We believe that there is not one phrase which better summarizes our
belief in how to best pursue economic growth, and which is also the
foundation for S&C Business Development's methodology.
From relationships we develop trust and insights.
From relationships we meet others who share our visions and purpose.
From relationships we are often introduced to opportunities.
From relationships we personally and professionally grow.
We at S&C Business Development understand the value of developing
and nurturing relationships. Such helps ourselves and our clients to
operate more efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.
We take a "concierge" approach with our clients by assisting them with the
processes and being that low threshold opportunity for them to explore
internationalization and foreign markets.
By also welcoming and including collaborations with public and
government organizations, we believe we can create mutual benefit and
value for all who we work with.
Again, it is all about relationships and going into the conversation
with the belief that "something on something is better than nothing on
We at S&C Business Development are here to assist !
Ken and Jarkko